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Friday, March 13, 2009
Intention for Today - Coach!

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Parenting Tip for Today - Play!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Parenting Tip for Today - Explore!
The dictionary tells us that to "explore" is to look wisely and carefully for. When we take on an attitude of exploration in our lives, we look beyond the obvious to see all kinds of possibilities. What might be possible if we were not limited by our own beliefs, our current situation, or our upbringing? What avenues would open up for our children if they became explorers as well? It might be an interest in music, art, politics, public speaking, mountain climbing, science, or dance. The world is full of endless possibilities. Let's start to explore them today!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Parenting Tip for Today - Relax!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
School Success with BigIQKids!

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Rev Up Their Self-Esteem!
The self-esteem movement, taken in the wrong direction in the past, led to a sense of entitlement in many of our nation's youth. With an over-inflated sense of self, they all too often developed the belief that the world (and everyone in it) was there solely for their own enjoyment and happiness.
As adults, we worked hard to sweep disappointment and challenges out of their paths-for fear these experiences would damage their fragile self-esteem. By covering up weaknesses and apparent flaws, we unknowingly gave the impression that anything less than perfection might put a dent in the very fabric of their ability to love and accept themselves. We definitely missed the boat on that one.
True self-esteem develops from an unconditional acceptance of both our strengths and our weaknesses. It strengthens in the face of struggle. In order to rev up your children's true self-esteem, follow these six suggestions.
1. Value them for who they are - flaws and all!
2. Give them opportunities to see their mistakes as stepping stones to their ultimate success.
3. Expose them to stories of people who have triumphed in the face of challenge! Check out the short movie clips , especially "Finish Strong" at Personal Transformations.
4. Demonstrate your belief in them by holding them accountable for their actions.
5. Let them solve some of their own problems.
6. Don't do something for them if they are capable of doing it for themselves.
Copyright © 2008 by Holly A. Cox, L.C.P.C., C.D.C.®

Love is a Priceless Gift!
During a parenting seminar, parents were asked to think back to our own childhoods and remember someone who really loved us. The leader then asked us what we remembered about how that person showed us their love.
We reported many fond memories including:
- Spent one-on-one time with me
- Played card games together
- Cooked my favorite meal
- Face lit up when I arrived
- Asked questions about how things were going for me
- Sat together and talked
- Baked special cookies with me
- Went on walks in the park together
- Taught me how to knit
She pointed out that not a single one of our responses involved material gifts like iPods, Legos, scooters or televisions. What will our children remember when they look back at their childhood? Probably the same type of things we remember... the special times spent together.
We communicate our love to our children when we choose to spend time with them. It's the things we do together with our children that they will remember the rest of their lives. Long after they have forgotten the very cool toy we bought for their birthday, they will remember the afternoons we spent playing catch in the backyard or baking cookies together.
Challenge yourself to carve out time to do something special with your children. You may want to talk to them about what they would really like to do or you could surprise them. Consider writing this activity on the calendar so that everyone remembers it and something else doesn't accidentally get scheduled. Remember the gifts that will last the longest are the ones where you spend special time together.
Kathy Slattengren is a noted parenting speaker, trainer and founder of Priceless Parenting. Priceless Parenting provides an online parenting class which teaches effective discipline techniques for positively dealing with misbehavior.
To receive regular parenting tips, sign up for the Priceless Parenting monthly newsletter.
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