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Friday, March 13, 2009

Intention for Today - Coach!


The dictionary tells us that to 'coach' is to instruct and supervise. When we get in the practice of being a 'coach' to our children, we take on a new attitude. A good coach supports, teaches, oversees, and leads by example. Let's intend to give our children these gifts for today. We can be keen observers of their behaviors, support them in making adjustments when things aren't working just right, and use encouragement rather than self-criticism when we find areas for improvement. When in doubt, let's ask "What would a great coach say about this?"

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Parenting Tip for Today - Play!


When we were little, we were experts at knowing how to 'play.'  Then we grew up, became parents, and started getting serious - and maybe a little bit boring.  Let's bring back the fine art of knowing how to play and get busy.  Play makes us laugh.  It invigorates us, bonds us with others, and is just plain fun.  Scheduling fun activities on our daily "to-do lists" reminds us to celebrate the moments of our lives.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Parenting Tip for Today - Explore!


The dictionary tells us that to "explore" is to look wisely and carefully for. When we take on an attitude of exploration in our lives, we look beyond the obvious to see all kinds of possibilities. What might be possible if we were not limited by our own beliefs, our current situation, or our upbringing? What avenues would open up for our children if they became explorers as well? It might be an interest in music, art, politics, public speaking, mountain climbing, science, or dance. The world is full of endless possibilities. Let's start to explore them today!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Parenting Tip for Today - Relax!


The dictionary reminds us that to "relax" is to release oneself from inhibition, worry, or tension. All too often, as parents, we see relaxing as being self-indulgent.  In our minds, the act of relaxing takes away time from the things we "should" be doing.   However, if we don't fill ourselves up on a regular basis, we end up exhausted, frustrated, and resentful.  One of the best things we can do for our children is to take exquisitely good care of ourselves.  Ultimately, by our actions, we give our loved ones permission to do so as well.